11 Fastest Growing Herb Plants From Seed

If you’re looking for the quickest and easiest way to get your garden growing then look no further, you’ve landed at the right article! We’re going to show you the fastest-growing herb plants on the planet from seed.
By the time you’re done reading this article, you’ll have all the information that you need to be able to get started and start growing your favorite herbs in record time!
Table of Contents
Sage plants are a lovely addition to your home gardens as they can grow quite large and cover an area of several yards. The flavor of a sage plant is very mild, having a pleasant aroma similar to mint. It is an easy to grow plant, normally needing only a small amount of water, and can tolerate some shade.
These plants do not grow well in frost-free environments and have to be planted in pots that can withstand early spring frosts. You will need to repot these plants every few years, but they’re worth the trouble when you find their wonderful aroma and delicious flavor.
Salvia Rosmarinus, also known as Rosemary, is a small evergreen perennial shrub with profuse, aromatic, fragrant leaves and beautiful white, pink, red, or yellow flowers, indigenous to the Mediterranean area. Rosemary thrives in dry, warm soil, but can be grown in either high-acid or low-acid conditions.
It is one of the most popular and common herbs in Europe. In addition to its aromatic foliage, Rosemary has many other qualities. It is said to have curative properties, and it is used to treat spondylitis, to encourage appetite, to improve digestion and to aid menstruation.

Parsley can be grown in a variety of containers including window boxes, hanging baskets, pot holders and planters. In containers, you want to make sure you have tall pots. Parsley (fresh and dried) can be used in a variety of Italian dishes including pizza sauce, sausage, beans, pasta sauces, stew, as well as salads.
You can steam the leaves and add them to soups or stews. In combination with other Italian herbs, it can be used as a spice, for added flavor or medicinal benefits. There are plenty of ways you can use parsley, so try some of your favorite recipes and see how adding Italian parsley plant to your kitchen can be a delightful addition!
Basil, is considered the most common kind of herb used in kitchens throughout the Mediterranean region. Basil is a member of the mint family with a long tradition of popularity in Italy, where it is associated with food and cooking.
Some of the most common uses for basil are in tomato sauces (particularly red sauces), in eggplant sauces, and in treating minor infections, including those that may be caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses. In late spring, you should get your basil plant started. Remember to prune your plants if you plan to harvest your crop in the fall.

There are many other uses for the succulent leaves of the Chives plant, so don’t let their diminutive size limit your creativity. Chives make a great alternative to culinary herbs and spices because they taste just as good and are much less expensive than culinary herbs.
Chives are also easy to grow; there is no need for soil, and they don’t require a great deal of attention. This makes them a great choice for a new gardener or a beginner interested in trying something different. The next time you consider adding color to your garden, consider planting a bed of Chives.
A Mint plant is actually a flowering plant which is commonly known as a shrub or vine found on mountains, in deserts and on bodies of water. Mint are typically found growing in flower pots; however, they can be found growing in containers as well. The best type of containers to use for growing mint plants is large ones.
The roots of such containers can spread deep into the soil for a deeper and more expansive root system, making them ideal for spreading across the garden or landscape. Mint plants also grow well under shade. Mint is said to have many healing qualities and is used for curing stomach ailments, headaches and colds. It is used in making medicines and as a flavoring for food and drinks.
Coriander is an aromatic perennial plant sometimes called Chinese Parsley or Cilantro. It’s been used traditionally as a medicinal herb for a range of conditions, including fever, indigestion, flatulence, and digestive disorders. In India, it is often called Indian Parsley.
All parts of the coriander plant are edible, although the greenish-black, curly-haired stems are the most used in cooking (the yellowish leaves are eaten as a vegetable, while the yellow stalks are used more as a spice). Coriander leaves can be eaten on their own, although the seeds will need to be soaked and mixed with water before eating.
To begin growing Cilantro, you will need to cultivate soil that is slightly moist and well draining. These conditions are going to be needed if you are growing the herb in a container. Cilantro is fairly easy to grow if you follow the basic instructions for the type of soil that you are using and if you give the herb sufficient care for the first year.
Cilantro will usually flower in the second year, when it will have developed its main roots. When the herb has finished blooming, you should be able to harvest it quite easily from the same pot, using a knife to remove the leaves from the stem.

A familiar and tasty perennial herb with a pungent and tangy taste is the Dill plant. A true perennial, it thrives best in damp soil that has not dried out. Potted or garden grown Dill plants can be propagated by cutting or division. The division method of reproduction is most successful when the young roots of the plant are separated from the main stem.
It can be accomplished with a pair of shears, which is a pair of sharp cutting tools with a pointed blade at the end. The stem of the dill plant can then be divided, and the young roots can be sown or directly sown inside a plastic pot. Once planted, just cover the pot with more dirt, wait for the plant to grow to its full size, and viola – instant dill.
Fennel cannot survive very cold weather or frost; therefore, it’s not recommended planting it in areas where frost may be common. The more desirable temperatures for planting fennel are early spring through late summer. It will tolerate some shade but do not plant in areas that receive less than 6 hours of sunlight per day, as the flowers will wilt.
Keep in mind that the taller the plant, the more foliage it will produce, so be sure to plant the fennel in a vertical fashion, as this will ensure it spreads its beautiful blossoms over a large area. Fennel does not do well in heavy clay soils; therefore, if you live in a dry or rocky area, consider another ornamental grass or bush.

French Tarragon is a large species of perennial flowering herb with aromatic foliage that is used to flavor wines and marinades. It’s also popular in cuisine as a flavoring for fish and as a natural pesticide. To enjoy the most flavor from French tarragon plant varieties, it should be harvested before the flowers open completely. Harvesting when the herbs start to wilt minimizes wastage.
It’s important to prune the young sapling shoots regularly to maintain a healthy growth. It’s recommended to remove any dead branches or twigs to improve air circulation and discourage insects. This cultivar is ideal for growing in a container and prefers acidic soil with high levels of nitrogen.