What Herbs Can You Plant Together (Growers Guide)

Most gardeners know about the benefits of growing plants together in their gardens. For this reason, they discover the use of blending plants together in a group. This includes the well-known combination of the bean, corn, and squash.

Likewise, there are numerous benefits to planting herbs together in a garden. Having new herbs accessible is beneficial to anybody – in addition to the fact that they are fresh, and healthy.

Some companion plants protect your plants from pests. Others help to support the flavor profile of its close-by companion. Regardless of whether you’re planting the herbs with different herbs, or herbs with specific veggies, you’re ready to get the most out of your garden.

‘Companion planting’ is known to be the best:

When planting herbs together, the most important things to remember are, proper watering, and the room they need to grow. You don’t need one plant to hoard all the vitamins and minerals from the soil.


Various plants or herbs develop better when they are placed together, and by placing it with the company of other plants, you’re giving them the best opportunities to yield a greater harvest.

For instance, in case you are planting a herb which is at high risk to be eaten by some bugs, some other herb may go about as a natural bug repellent. On the off chance that you plant them together, they’ll have a superior possibility of surviving for a long time.

Different Types of Herbs


Herbs that are more slow-developing and require more soil ought to be planted in a similar container in a perfect world. They’ll develop around a similar pace, and they will require much space since they’re all on balance. The herbs that require longer growing periods are parsley, rosemary, and chives.


This specific herb needs to have full sun and requires a progressively sandy soil. They likewise will, in general, be entirely independent and don’t spread out something over the top.

Be that as it may, these herbs likewise need increasingly moist conditions to flourish and be cheerful, and this is what separates them from conventional Mediterranean herbs. Your moist herbs are tarragon, basil, and cilantro.


It’s imperative to aggregate your herbs into the containers by locale, so they have a similar developing condition. These herbs all prefer to have dry sandy soil, and they will not, in general, drag or spread out.

They will, in general, become very large, so you should remember this when you’re getting ready for space, as you may wind up transplanting them outside. Mediterranean herbs generally include oregano, lavender, rosemary, marjoram, thyme, and sage.


Mint herbs can get intrusive, and thus they are not recommended to be planted with different herbs. In any case, various assortments of mint can be planted together. Mints improve in long window enclosures or even outside.

Mints like catmint, spearmint, orange mint, peppermint, and lemon can all be grown together, and they must have adequate space for them to spread.

Companion Planting and their Benefits

What Herbs can you Plant Together


Chives are an incredible all-around companion plant for most vegetables and herbs. Developing chives around the beds of roses have gotten famous with many rose nursery workers. That is because the chives are known to avert the flower shrubs’ adversary, diminish the dark spots, and upgrade the roses’ development.

Chives function admirably with other herbs, and the pollinators they lure, help support the yields of many foods grown around. Chives deter small pests. Developing chives is an absolute necessity if you are collecting cucumber plants.

The oniony fragrance that chives produces, stops insects. Chives are known to increase growth rate and production of certain vegetables. Chives can increase the length of carrots, and also expand your yield of the tomato plants and broccoli without fertilizers. Avoid planting them near beans and peas.


Rosemary is one of a handful of herbs that don’t coexist well with different herbs. The main herb that makes a decent nursery mate for rosemary is sage. The best ally for rosemary in the garden is the broccoli. Rosemary deters insects that attack broccoli heads. Rosemary additionally appreciates the addition of cabbage, beans, and hot peppers. Keep Rosemary a decent distance away from pumpkins, carrots, and potatoes.


Sage is a kind of herb that favors the growth close to vegetables and organic products. The herb sage likes to be planted with rosemary, one of the best spots for sage is in the garden where vegetables are placed.

Plant sage around tomatoes are strawberries, cabbage, and carrots. The blooms are gorgeous, and they likewise draw in advantageous creepy crawlies and pollinators that can support your entire garden.


Dill is the kind of herb that draws the attention of bugs like ladybugs, bees, and butterflies to the garden as it debilitates the nearness of bugs like a spider, and cabbage loopers, and aphids.

Dill love becoming close to different herbs like basil and cilantro. You can likewise plant them close to onions, corn, cucumbers, and lettuce. Be that as it may, keep them far from lavender, peppers, and carrots.


The companion planting accompanies a few key advantages, and as long as you probably are aware of which herbs to plant by one another and which to isolate, you should not have any issues.

  • Companion planting saves the space:

It is one of the advantages of companion planting that it saves space for planting. You won’t need a single container for each herb, and you can consolidate them into one pot or multiple pots.

  • It diminishes or slows the progression of the disease:

Adding numerous herb species into a single container rather than similar species can help split them up. This is particularly helpful on the off chance that one herb varieties become ill like it, for the most part, won’t spread to different species immediately. This gives you an opportunity to correct it further.

  • Retention of moisture:

As we will have a few species of herb group in a similar container, there won’t be plenty of open areas or soil. This will diminish the measure of dampness that you lose from daylight presentation, and it’ll lessen your support levels.

  • Final thoughts on Companion Planting

Companion planting accompanies numerous advantages and benefits to your garden


  • Vince S

    Hello, I'm Vince, and I bring over 25 years of dedicated experience in the world of herb gardening. From cultivating fragrant basil to nurturing hardy rosemary, my journey as a passionate herb enthusiast has allowed me to explore the wonders of these versatile plants. Through diyherbgardener.com, I'm thrilled to share my knowledge, tips, and insights to help you embark on your own herb gardening adventures. Let's grow together!

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