12 Herb Plants That You Can Grow From Cuttings

When you are growing herbs at home, whether it is your favorite herb or something you are just starting out, the first thing you need to know how to grow herbs from cuttings. These are the pieces of a plant that have been broken off and the part that grows back from the plant.

They can be small and not have the ability to produce the flowers and leaves as a full-grown plant would, but they will still provide you with the very same type of herbs. They are perfect for beginners since it does not cost a fortune to get started and can save a lot of time. 

Plants from cuttings are also a great way to save time when trying to grow herbs, especially if you live in a city. They will take up less space and there will be no need for extra lights or growing areas to accommodate the plants since they will take up much less room and produce much more herbs than plants that grow outdoors.


Image by Pitsch from Pixabay

Yes, growing sage from cuttings can easily be done and called ‘propagating’. Propagation is just a method of taking a cutting from one plant and then taking individual cuttings from it, which will form a new plant. Most plants are harder to propagate than others, but the sage is definitely a little easier to do than most.

So what exactly happens when you start growing sage from cuttings? Well, the first thing that happens is that the cuttings are removed from the root ball of the plant, the cutting is taken out so that the plant can grow a new root and then replanted to start the new plant growing.

Once the root has started to grow, you will then need to water the plant to keep it from getting overcrowded. Once the roots have grown and you see that the new plant has begun to form, it is a good idea to cut the plant back a bit, as it will help to keep it in shape and the plant will still continue to grow.



Basil can be grown almost anywhere in your garden. It likes a moist, dark location, which is why it is commonly planted in a large pot. However, it will also grow in containers, too, if you do not have room to spread out the roots.

A basil pot should be made of a sturdy material, so that the plant does not snap and break. If you are planning to plant the basil yourself, you may choose to use a container instead of a pot. Cuttings are one way to start growing basil at home.

Cutting the stem back about an inch, helps it to grow in a container. This method can be especially useful for small spaces. If you decide to go this route, make sure to remove all the flowers before putting the cuttings in the pot. The cuttings will have plenty of room to grow, so there is no need to worry about space if you use cuttings.



One of the first things you need to do before you begin growing a lavender plant is to get it ready to go into the potting soil, this includes cutting the stem off the plant. This is not the hardest part to do but will take some time and patience on your part. Once you have cut the stem out, you will then need to prepare the potting mix for the cutting process.

This involves soaking the cuttings in water and rooting hormone. Once this is done, it is time to move onto the next part of learning how to grow lavender with cuttings; this involves putting the cuttings in the pots. It is recommended that you use a shallow pot for your plant to grow into and that you use the same type of pot that your mother plant had.

Learning how to grow lavender with cuttings takes time and patience, however it will definitely pay off when you grow your own lavender plant. You will be surprised by how beautiful it will be once it has grown and what a difference it will make to your house if you do grow it yourself. 


Dill plant

Growing Dill in pots for best results, choose healthy, growing plants. Each newly rooted young root will grow into a separate new plant. Place the cuttings into their own separate pots. You will need to water the cuttings as soon as possible to prevent the roots from drying out. 

It can take about a month for the cuttings to mature and to fully develop and fill out. Cultivate your Dill in good soil. If you do not use good soil, you will find that your plants are prone to disease and will even die off completely.

As your plants grow you will notice that they are producing a greater amount of flavor and you may also notice that they are thicker and fuller. You will be able to harvest Dill as early as midsummer, depending on the weather conditions.



In order to grow thyme from cuttings, you must have the plant in place. Cuttings do not have roots when picked, so they will not hold their new growth until you repot them. Once they have been potted, the plant is ready for growing again.

You can put the cuttings directly into a plastic pot and let them sprout in the sun. Just remember to place it in well-drained soil where it will have lots of sunlight and drainage. Water it often, but not too often: once it becomes too green, leaves may be yellowed or discolored from being in the water too long.

In order to grow growing thyme properly, you must always start with a healthy specimen. Don’t cut down a plant that is diseased or damaged, as it is just as bad as a diseased plant. Healthy specimens have thick green foliage that won’t wilt easily. 



The most popular method of propagating Rosemary is by taking cuttings directly from the flowering buds on the mother plant.  Cuttings should be taken about two inches below the soil line. You should then cut a few inches up to the base of the leaf. When the cut is complete, detach the leaves from the mother plant and then treat the cut with rooting hormone. It should then be left to settle for two to three days to help ensure that the plant roots.

After the cuttings have settled, you can now put them in a glass of water that has been soaked and is slightly acidic, as this helps the roots to attach to the new growth.

In the case of Rosemary plants that are growing on the ground, you can leave them in the water for a week or more to allow them to get used to the acidic environment. Finally, take the cutting out of the water and repot them into a small pot filled with medium-composting or wood chips.



The most popular method of propagating Oregano is from cuttings. One way is by pruning them after they have been plucked out of the vine, which can be done by hand or with scissors.

The second method is to take a large pruning knife or razor and shave off as much as you can from each stem, leaving at least 2 buds, or nodes, on each plant. Once you’ve cuttings are plucked from the vine, use sharp scissors to prune the stem as short as possible.

The first cuts should be fairly long so that they are not just cut diagonally from the stem, but each should be above a root, the point at which a leaf first grows or is about to erupt. It should not be cut below the leaf, however. Once they are long enough, you can then either divide them or place them into a bottle. 



If you are new to growing mint from cuttings then there are some things you can do to help your plants grow faster. It is not as hard as you think, but you will need to know a few things before trying it on your own.

Cutting off a plant that already has leaves is a great way to propagate. Simply remove one of the leaves and clip off the tip of the stem with scissors or a pair of scissors. 

Cuttings can be used to propagate most of any mint plant. The plant needs a couple of hours of direct light each day to grow, so take care when selecting the plants you choose to use to propagate. If you live in a place with mild to poor soil than the best way to propagate mint from cuttings is by buying a starter kit from a gardening store.

Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm

When you are growing lemon balm with cuttings, you can control the amount of water you give it by not watering it every day. In addition, you can also avoid any problems by making sure that your herbs have plenty of light and air to grow in. This will be easier if you are growing the herbs in pots rather than containers.

Most herbs like to grow in pots so you can see how they look when they are first being planted. You can take these cuttings and transplant them directly into your new container. You will find that once they are established in their container you can easily remove the roots from your containers.

In order to ensure that the roots are well watered you will need to add some water to your container needs every few days. The best thing about growing herbs with cuttings is that they are very cheap and easy to grow. Even with the most basic kits you can easily have your own herb garden within your home. 

Lemon Verbena

Lemon Verbena

To begin, you will need to get a container, some of the best containers are those that are made of clay and have drainage holes in them. 

Then you need to decide if you are going to be taking cuttings or starter plants. Cuttings take longer to grow, but they are much cheaper than planting a fresh plant. If you choose to take cuttings then make sure you take the ones that are firm and do not wilt easily. You may also want to pick the ones that do not smell sweet and have dark green leaves. 

The next thing you will need to do is plant the plant in the container. Place the root down and secure it by putting a few stakes down. Make sure the soil is well-drained before putting the roots down. Water the plants well, as much as twice per week, and keep the temperatures around 70 degrees. 



One of the best ways to grow peppermint without learning how to grow it from seeds is to take a fresh cut of the mint leaves. The first thing that you need to do is to find a place where the leaves have been removed and then wait for the plant to grow. The next thing that you need to do is to take the leaves and make sure that the cuttings are in the right spot.

Start by taking a three-inch or larger cutting (not more than six inches preferably) from a healthy, well-balanced peppermint plant. The cuttings should be picked as soon as possible before the leaves turn yellow and fall off. 

Once they have been removed, you should be placed in the ground and it will sprout in a couple of weeks. The plants should produce new shoots every week after that until the plant is grown up. Most people do not mind planting the plants in pots because it is very easy to take care of.



Growing spearmint with cuttings from your own plants can make for a very rewarding and effective hobby. The best way to grow this type of garden is to harvest the cuttings from your own plants to save money on expensive fertilizers, pesticides, etc. You will need a nice pot or container that will hold your new plant.

This could either be an indoor or an outdoor plant that you plan on replanting. Make sure that the cuttings are ready to be planted into the pot. When you have the plant ready to go you should cut the tip close to the main stem. Then take the remaining part of the stem and break it off to a desired size.

Take your new spearmint and insert it into your pot. Make sure that the cut is fairly even all around your cuttings. The last step is to water the plant and make sure that it is getting all the nutrients and moisture it needs. They should stay healthy and strong, if you follow the simple steps.


  • Vince S

    Hello, I'm Vince, and I bring over 25 years of dedicated experience in the world of herb gardening. From cultivating fragrant basil to nurturing hardy rosemary, my journey as a passionate herb enthusiast has allowed me to explore the wonders of these versatile plants. Through diyherbgardener.com, I'm thrilled to share my knowledge, tips, and insights to help you embark on your own herb gardening adventures. Let's grow together!

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