How to Grow Lavender in Pots (Easy Growers Guide)

So, you’re thinking about planting lavender in pots. It seems like a simple task, but just what are the steps? Is it possible to grow lavender in pots with just a little help? Let’s start with the basic things that you need to know.

First of all, you need to decide whether you want to grow indoor or outdoor lavender. If you are going to grow them indoors, you’ll need to find some soil and fertilizer. When growing lavender from seed, you don’t need to purchase the seed at the store. It’s best if you buy the seed directly from a reputable source.

If you want to use lavender seeds as the basis for your plants, you should use good soil that contains a good amount of compost. Most of these seeds will work fine, although you may need to check the soil to make sure that it contains adequate moisture.

Fill Pot with Soil

The first step when you are learning how to grow lavender in pots is to determine which kind of soil you will be working with. Clay and rock are more suited to this purpose. Once your soil has been prepared, dig a hole in the center of the pot. Once your soil has been moistened, plant the seeds into the soil. I always use these Classic Garden Planters with this FoxFarm soil when growing Lavender. I always find the best price on Amazon.

Fill the pot with compost. This will help support the plant while it grows. Add enough water to the soil to make it wet but not soggy. This will help the roots to survive and grow. When you’re ready to pot up your lavender, water the roots well, but don’t overdo it because it’s important to keep the plant alive.


The next thing that you have to decide is where you want to plant your plant. If you are going to grow it in pots, then you should consider where your plant will be exposed to the sun and sunlight for most of the day. Lavender prefers to be exposed to the sun at the beginning of the day because of its flowering phase.

You also need to consider where it will receive the moisture it needs for growth. Lavender likes to be kept in the shade throughout the day, but it will tolerate slightly moist soil.

Growing from Seeds

To start growing lavender from seeds you want to first prepare your potting soil. When you are using seeds, you can spread them out in two separate rows, spaced about an inch apart. You can find these products on Amazon.

When growing from seed, you’ll also need to remove the entire seed head. Keep in mind that if you are growing indoors, you should place a tray under the potting soil to keep the roots from sinking.

Once your soil has been moistened, plant the seeds into the soil. Fill the rest of the pot with compost. This will help support the plant while it grows.

If you are growing indoor lavender, you will have to prune the plant about every three years to prevent the roots from breaking. Once the roots reach the right height, then you will need to water the plant often so that it doesn’t dry out. The roots will grow back when the roots get dry and brittle.

Plant Seedlings

Once you have your soil and potting mixture, you are ready to begin growing lavender. Start by planting the seedlings directly into the soil. Make sure the plants get at least six hours of sun each day and water them once every other day. In about three weeks, you should be able to tell if the plants are growing properly.

Water Requirements

If you are growing lavender in pots, be aware that you will need to do more watering than if you were growing it in your garden. If you don’t, the roots will be stressed out, and the plant will die out. So give the plants enough time for acclimatization.

Be Careful not to Overwater

Another tip when learning how to grow lavender in pots is to make sure that you don’t over-water them. Too much water is bad because it can cause the roots to rot and starve them of oxygen. If you need to water the plants every other day, make sure you are using a dechlorinator so that you won’t run the risk of harming them.

Sunlight Requirements

If you have tried growing lavender in pots and it didn’t work, then it’s time to move onto something else. Lavender will grow with a minimum of 4-6 hours-full sun, but if it gets too much shade, it won’t grow well. If it does grow in pots, make sure that the soil is very rich in nutrients so that the roots are healthy. 


To ensure that your plants need less attention from you, try fertilizing just once a year or as opposed to every week. The best time to fertilize is in late summer or early fall. You may find that when you start learning how to grow lavender in pots that it takes a little longer than you would like.

To help speed up the process, make sure that you keep some fresh cuttings from the plants you are growing so that you can re-pot them and get them accustomed to their new environment.

You may also want to plant different types of lavender in different locations. If you are growing the pink variety of lavender, you can plant the seeds in the back of large pots so that they have plenty of light, and you can have your plant in full sun if you prefer.


If you have ever wanted to grow lavender as a hobby, you might even consider growing it outdoors. However, you will have to do some extra work.

Although growing lavender in pots may seem like a lot of work, it will be less work than growing it in a garden. You will save a lot of money, and you won’t have to worry about the weeds taking over your whole yard.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my potted lavender dying?

Do you have a potted lavender plant that is dying and it seems like your plant is going to be a dead thing in no time? Lavender is a lovely flower, but it can get really sad if they die.

Here are some things that you should keep in mind about why your plant may be dying and how to take care of your plant.

Check Roots

The first thing that you should do when you are noticing that your lavender is dying is to check the roots. It might be that the roots are getting eaten away by something.

You might find that your plant has become too dry or that it just needs a water change. If you notice this happening then you should water your plant before it dies.

Check Soil

Another thing that you should know about why is my potted lavender dying is that there could be a problem with the soil. You might need to add some sand to the soil that you have and then put some potting soil in it.

This will make the soil less moist and it will also help to keep your plants healthy. However, if you have a little bit of money you might want to try growing some plants in containers instead of pots and see what you think of it.

Watering Requirements

A third reason why you might notice that your plant is dying is because you are not watering it enough. If you are putting too much water on the roots then they might just get sick and die. So if you have less than one inch of water on your plants every day then you should add water to make sure that you are putting out more nutrients.


A fourth thing that you should know about why is my potted lavender dying is that you may have forgotten to prune your plant. This means that the plants are not growing as thick as they should be.

There is nothing worse than seeing the flowers of your favorite flowers fall off when you have a plant that has been growing so long and strong. You should always prune your plant and remove any dead leaves and twigs so that you have the strongest and most beautiful looking flowers that you can have.

There are many reasons why you might be wondering why is my potted lavender dying. If you keep on checking the answers to these questions you will be able to make sure that you can take care of your plant and make it bloom as long as you want it to.

How do I stop lavender from going woody?

Another question people often ask about how to stop lavender from going Woody is whether or not it is possible to prune the plants in the winter. Yes, it is possible to trim the plants in the fall, but they may not be cut back to the proper size.

Some experts believe that the roots of the plant will be damaged if the roots of the plant are not properly nourished at this time. If you are going to trim your lavender plant in the winter, you should take care to do so only on the undersides of the leaves, which are the areas of the plant that tends to be the most damaged by winter frosts.

Another common question about how to stop lavender from going Woody is whether you can prune the plant while in bloom. While some experts feel that it is not safe to prune a lavender plant in bloom, others suggest that pruning is actually beneficial.

If you prune a lavender plant while in bloom, you will notice that the flowers and foliage become shorter, which makes it easier to get the plant to bloom and to maintain a bloom even in the winter.


  • Vince S

    Hello, I'm Vince, and I bring over 25 years of dedicated experience in the world of herb gardening. From cultivating fragrant basil to nurturing hardy rosemary, my journey as a passionate herb enthusiast has allowed me to explore the wonders of these versatile plants. Through, I'm thrilled to share my knowledge, tips, and insights to help you embark on your own herb gardening adventures. Let's grow together!

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