13 Invasive Herb Plants That Can Take Over Your Garden

Herb gardens are easy to start, but if you want to have one that doesn’t end up looking like a forest of green plants, you need to learn how to control your herb garden so that it looks more beautiful.

Invasive plants can be a real headache in a garden because they will grow out of control and spread throughout your entire garden. Check out this list of the most invasive herb plants below.


Mint plant
Image by boria from Pixabay

The most important conditions for growing mint is an alkaline soil with a low level of acidity. This will ensure the survival of the plant and its subsequent blooming. Since mint is a perennial, it will need to be replanted every year. Another concern is that mint is a perennial weed. 

While mint does not compete with other plants, it will typically eliminate those competing with it on the market. Mint is a popular houseplant, because it is able to spread rapidly, is resistant to many insects, and produces a beautiful result.


Oregano plant
Image by Jan Haerer from Pixabay

Oregano is extremely invasive, and will spread quite rapidly throughout any open ground it finds, even if it is kept contained for a short period of time by using fences, walls, or other physical barriers. Once established, the plant will spread rapidly, spreading up to ten times its original size in just two years.

This speed of spreading makes it dangerous to have in gardens.  Growing oregano requires about six hours of sunlight per day but if you live in an area that is always very sunny this should be adequate for your plants. This plant will grow well in most climates and is relatively maintenance free.


Growing thyme is an excellent, cheap, and easy way to add a bit of color to any garden. The evergreen perennial is quite easy to grow in most climates, being a fast-growing herb that is known to produce fresh leaves all year long. When you are planting anything new, especially a herb, it’s important to follow the planting instructions closely.

Thyme thrives in full sunlight and if you are planting in containers make sure to include plenty of bright sunny hours each day. When you are growing thyme you will need to be diligent about watering it.  Thyme thrives in lots of water so plan your garden carefully and be sure to check the soil each time you water, so you don’t overwater, and drown your plants.


Image by Nancy Buron from Pixabay

Growing Comfrey in the garden is easy. It is not hard to see why so many people chose this as a first plant to grow. For a beginner, you should have a fairly good idea of what you’re doing when you begin growing. This plant will require consistent, fairly even-growing conditions in order to thrive. That means that you shouldn’t have to constantly move your plants around.

It can be a bit of a messy herb to maintain, especially when new plants are introduced into the garden. Comfrey is very easy to maintain once it has been established, and will grow decently on its own, although you may want to add some commercial compost at planting time to assure that it gets enough nutrients.

Bee Balm

Bee Balm plant
Image by rmadison from Pixabay

To start growing bee balm, you need to take cutting divisions from the main stem of any kind of mature plant. Cuttings can be taken anytime between January and March. If you wish a bushier specimen, pinch off some branch tips as new growth arises in spring.

Cut the cutting into equal divisions every four to six weeks during the summer, then cut again in fall. In colder regions, it will probably die in the soil, but will grow back in the spring with new growth. When the growing bee balm has established itself, you can move it to pots, or containers. 


Catnip plant
Image by R. E. Beck from Pixabay

The beauty of growing catnip in your garden has to be seen to be believed. With its delicate scent and sweet taste, catnip makes an ideal alternative to many garden plants, particularly if you prefer the elegant look of a flowering vine. Catnip can be grown almost anywhere, since it is a perennial herb that will grow back again every year if kept in good condition.

It does not require much effort to maintain a lush home garden with lovely catnip plants. The best time to plant catnip is spring when the temperatures are warm and just keep them well watered, and you’ll have beautiful flowers in no time. When the colder months approach, you can take your growing catnip plant from your garden to your window.


Chives plant
Image by Ulrike Leone from Pixabay

If you want to learn how to plant chives properly, you’ll need a pot that has good drainage. The soil should drain easily and allow for good root growth. You’ll also need to make sure that the chives plant gets plenty of sunlight. Growing chives are also nice because it’s easy to maintain and a fun thing to do. If you decide on planting chives in your outdoor garden, make sure not to plant it too close to your other plants, because it is invasive. 

If you are new to gardening or are not very good at doing so, chives are a great way to get started. It’s easy to care for, doesn’t require much work, and the herbs and other things you get from them are easy on the budget. If you are looking for ways to add new seasonal flavor to your meals, chives could be a great addition to your kitchen spice rack!


Growing Parsley is a very popular choice for gardeners, mainly due to the fact that this herb is one of the easiest to grow in any garden and the reward is that it will help to add a lot of color and flavor to any food that you prepare. The first thing that you need to remember is that if you want your plants to grow well you need to give them the required sunlight, moisture and nutrients that they need.  Another tip for growing Parsley is that you should only plant a few plants at a time.

Too many other herbs growing wild in your garden can overwhelm the smaller plants, and although they may provide some shade to the larger plants they may do more harm than good. This is because the other plants will compete for nutrients from the larger herb. Parsley is very tolerant of being grown alone, this is because they enjoy having their own space in the garden.


Chamomile plant
Image by Artur Pawlak from Pixabay

Chamomile has been used for thousands of years as a calming herb. Before you even consider growing chamomile, you should know the advantages of growing it outdoors. The truth is that chamomile is beautiful and perfect for growing in your garden. One of the most obvious advantages of growing chamomile is that you can grow it in a variety of different locations.

If you live in a dry climate with little rainfall, you are going to need to water chamomile less than you would if you lived in a more moisture rich area. This means that you will be able to grow your chamomile in your garden year round. Not only that, but the chamomile that you chose to grow will grow back in the following year because it can tolerate drought much better than other types of flowers.

Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm plant
Image by PollyDot from Pixabay

Growing lemon balm is fun, and easy if you know what to plant and when. Lemon balm is forgiving and will reward you with their bountiful growth. Get started by picking the perfect location, preferably a spot that gets full sun all day long and that has good drainage. Avoid shady areas during early spring or late fall. Plant growing lemon balm in late spring, when all opportunities of frost have passed and full sun is again present.

Space lemon balm seeds about, 20 inches apart from each other in an open area. Begin the growing season by mixing a few inches of organic soil into your soil. This soil should be moist but not saturated. Water the plants daily to keep the soil damp. Lemon balm can be grown both in the garden and indoors.


There are many ways of growing dill outdoors. The easiest way is to grow them in a container garden. With this method you will have no worries about pest control or weed control as they need only a little care. They will bloom in the spring and continue to grow until June when they drop their leaves and give way to new growth. The blooming period can last for two weeks, longer if the weather is warm, but generally they drop off in July.

You can save yourself a lot of time and money by growing your plants from seeds. It takes a few weeks for the seeds to germinate and create the roots that will survive. You will see Dill plants all ready to grow in late summer. Just make sure you are growing them in a cool and moist environment, and it won’t take long before you have beautiful healthy plants to watch.


Calendula plant
Image by jhenning from Pixabay

There are people who love growing Calendula, which is why there are now many gardeners who are growing them as a hobby. They say that the best time to grow them is from late fall until April. In this time, they get a lot of sun. When growing them, you should know that they require a lot of nutrients, which means you should take care that the soil where they are growing is not soggy. You should also make sure that the area you are growing them is not exposed to wind at all times.

This is because they can easily get damaged if wind blows too hard. If you live in a place that has cool days during summer, then growing Calendula outdoors will be very good for you. The plant grows really well and has a big root system. It will take over a huge area in just two years. You should be able to harvest them when the tops turn brown. 


Valerian plant
Image by horndesign from Pixabay

When you are growing Valerian outdoors, you should make sure that you have plenty of sunlight and proper drainage. This can be tricky because some plants do better in full sun and others in the shade. Once you get the basics down, you should be fine and start to enjoy your new herb! In addition to that, be sure to prune your plants regularly so that they grow up healthily.

This is not an herb which you can just let go, and allow to grow wild. It takes some special care if you wish to grow this herb, and you may have to take some time to learn exactly what it takes. However, it can be a wonderful addition to your herb garden if you are willing to do a bit of work.


  • Vince S

    Hello, I'm Vince, and I bring over 25 years of dedicated experience in the world of herb gardening. From cultivating fragrant basil to nurturing hardy rosemary, my journey as a passionate herb enthusiast has allowed me to explore the wonders of these versatile plants. Through diyherbgardener.com, I'm thrilled to share my knowledge, tips, and insights to help you embark on your own herb gardening adventures. Let's grow together!

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